Julu Media Apps
Multilingual eBooks for Children

Providing families with clean, inspiring and uplifting material. APPs, storybooks, eBooks and printed books. Storybooks for children, eBooks for teens and adults. Most Storybooks are multilingual, your child will love it.



JuLuMedia is a media design company that seeks to provide families with clean, inspiring, and uplifting entertainment that is readily available for tablets, smart phones, and interactive devices.


The creation of JuLuMedia was first inspired by the imaginative and funny bedtime stories that Dr. Dalbello made up for his two young daughters, Julie and Louise. Dr. Dalbello also has a degree in counseling and has acquired much experience working with impoverished children overseas. He created a series of motivational workshops that sought to encourage and motivate children to strive for a better education and lifestyle. Dr. Dalbello is now furthering his work through the creation of humorous and imaginative short stories and books that seek to encourage children and adolescents to make wise life choices.